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Baby Car Seats Brings Hygiene As Well As Comfort

by Norbert Shtaynberg 31 Mar 2019

Cushion, Baby Car Seats Brings Hygiene As Well As ComfortBaby car seats are one of the first items that a responsible parent needs to purchase. But with so many options in the market, how does one ensure that you are picking up the best car seat there is? Here are some quick tips to help you choose the perfect car seat for your bundle of joy.

* Make sure you buy a quality and brand new seat models. Technology is constantly evolving and car seats manufactured of 5 to 10 years back lack safety features found that were created today. Now is not the time to cut corners and buy second hand or old stock car seats. This item will be designed to save the life of your baby so make sure you get the best one there is.

* Check if you are buying is certified to Australian safety codes. Only with side wings and 6-point harness are acceptable baby seats.

* Your baby will be the one who will use this seat so his comfort will be highly considered. Choose that is both sturdy, but is also soft to the touch. The belt should also have cushions on them so that your baby won't feel uncomfortable wearing them.

* Check the fabric of the car seat. Choose a fabric that will be easy to clean in cases of spills and smudges, which will be an expected occurrence given that a baby will be using this

* Also choose that comes with a warranty. This goes to show how confident the manufacturer is on the quality of the seat that they created.

* If your baby is at least 1 year old, or weighs within 10 kilograms, choose a rear facing seat. Once they reach the weight or age beyond that, you can buy a forward facing car seat. The best option though so that you will no longer have to buy 2 seats is to buy a convertible.

* Look for a seat that has a car protection mat included. Most manufacturers do not include this though but there are a handful that do. Find one that has a complimentary car mat to protect your car at no additional cost.

* Find a car seat that has pockets on the side of the seat so you can store odds and ends that your baby will need during the trip for easy access, like toys, food, wipes and bottles.

One place where you can find a huge selection of baby seats is in Bubs n Grubs. They have it in all shapes and sizes from different trusted car seat manufacturers like Safety 1st. You can visit Bubs n Grubs online or you can check their showroom from Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 4pm at Brisbane. If you visit Bubs n Grubs, you are assured that you will get assistance from experts on baby items who are willing to go the extra mile to make sure you get what you and your baby needs.

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