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Advantages of Different Types of Baby Bibs

by ANB Baby 29 Jul 2021

Face - Advantages of Different Types of Baby Bibs

Every parent raising a baby knows that messiness comes with the territory. Mealtimes wouldn't be the same without your baby smearing food all over their adorable chubby cheeks, and while faces are easy to clean, clothing requires a more extensive cleaning process and can even become permanently stained. Baby bibs are the ultimate solution to keep drool and food stains at bay so you can avoid changing your baby's clothes excessively throughout the day. With the different types of baby bibs available in the market, take a look at some popular options so you can select the best baby bib for your child.

Fabric Bibs

These traditional bibs are made of soft and absorbent materials such as cotton or muslin. The material is machine washable, and the flexibility makes them easy to use, fold and carry. There are different types of fabric bibs, such as bandana bibs which can be used for drooling and teething toddlers, keeping messes to a minimum. This bib is easy to tie, and they are difficult for babies to remove by themselves and even though they do not provide coverage to the lower parts of the body, they are the best bibs for feeding infants and newborns.

Silicone Bibs

Silicone bibs are soft, flexible, heat resistant, cold-resistant, stain-resistant, and waterproof, making them easy to clean. These bibs are easy to secure in place with fasteners, and they feature a trough-like shape at the bottom to catch any food your baby accidentally drops, preventing a mess. The easy to wipe silicone is also dishwasher-proof that reduces clean-up time.

Different varieties of bibs can provide protection and comfort for your baby during different stages of their growth. Learning about the options can help you switch to the right bib for your baby's growing needs and your precious time.

Plastic Bibs

Plastic bibs are thin, just like fabric bibs, but they are waterproof and hold their shape better than cloth. These bibs are larger, making it easier to cover your baby's shoulders or lap, and they also come with a pocket for catching crumbs.

The most common plastic bibs used are scoop bibs made especially for mealtime, as they come with a built-in curved tray shaped like a bowl to catch any stray food bibs. These bibs can be uncomfortable if they are made of rigid plastic, but other flexible options make the experience more comfortable for your baby. The plastic scoop bib is excellent for limiting the mess for babies trying to self feed and enjoy playing with their food.

Coverall bibs are also available in plastic, covering babies from their neck to their toes as they are designed to provide maximum protection with their flexible coverage without limiting the baby's range of motion. These bibs are a great option for older babies prone to making big messes because it provides increased protection and they are easy to clean.

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Advantages of Different Types of Baby Bibs

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