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Qualities of the Ideal Baby Stroller

by Norbert Shtaynberg 01 Apr 2019

Stroller, Qualities of the Ideal Baby Stroller

Looking to buy a double baby stroller? With the growing number of manufacturers getting into the stroller game, how can you decide which is the one for you and your little blessings? Here are the top three strollers on the market today:

The Graco DuoGlider

Perfect for parents with two infants, both seats are able to accept Graco, SnugRide or SafeSeat infant car seats in both chairs. This front-back double stroller has removable canopies over each seat and multi-position reclining. The rear seat even has the ability to fold down completely allowing larger children the opportunity to nap as well. With storage in mind for both parents and children, the front seat has a child's tray with cup holder, while the parent storage tray has a cup holder and storage compartment for keys. In addition, an extra large storage basket offers plenty of space for packages and diaper bags. And, the one hand fold is a great feature for parents trying to load two little ones into the car quickly and easily.

Sit and Stand

This sturdy front-back double stroller is made with an infant and toddler in mind. While small children can sit in the front with or without an infant carrier, older children can stand on the rear platform, or sit down on the rear bench. The front seat offers an infant tray and is removable, while the parent tray has two cup holders. The lightweight and durable steel frame construction offers a one hand folding mechanism.

Aria Twin MT Stroller

This side-by-side double stroller is lightweight and folds easily and compactly. Once folded, it can even stand on its own. It fits through standard doorways and offers all-wheel suspension, swivel front wheels and rear wheel breaks for a smooth ride. Multi-position seats and dual snack trays make it a good choice for both children. With individual canopies and parent cup holders, this stroller is made with everyone in mind.

While the sheer number of types of double baby strollers can be overwhelming, make sure you know your families needs, your expectations and the best available options on the market today. Then, choose with confidence and enjoy the ride!

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