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All Baby Car Seats Are Safe And Yet Some Can Be Better Than Others

by Norbert Shtaynberg 26 Mar 2019

Car Seat, All Baby Car Seats Are Safe And Yet Some Can Be Better Than Others

A baby should be correctly restrained in her car seat until she reaches the age of seven. Most countries have laws which make it mandatory for the child to ride in special baby car seats until they reach a specific height or weight. If you require further persuasion take a look at this statistics. In the year 2009 alone close to 1, 79,000 children were involved in road accidents and a 1000 of them died. In the USA car accidents are the main cause of children's death. And most of those accidents could have been averted have the children been properly restrained in their baby car seats. So it is of utmost importance to buy an infant car seat even during the pregnancy period.

All baby car seats comply with stringent safety standards and any new seat is safe to use. But it can provide a safety issue if it is not installed correctly. So the best baby car seat is the one that fits your baby and car perfectly. There are three basic types of car seats:

1. Infant only seats: These seats have a weight limit up to 35 pounds and should face the rear part of the car.

2. Convertible baby seats: These can be used in two ways either as rear facing baby seats for infants or as forward facing seats for older children. It is advisable to leave the children in a rear facing seat for as long as possible.

3. Belt-positioning seats: These seats are designed for children who are aged 4 and weigh over 40 pounds. These seats have shoulder belts to restrain the child.

Installing infant car seats is very important for the child's safety. Some of the common mistakes most people make are to attach the threading belts in the wrong slots, fail to use locking clip wherever necessary, not restraining the child properly and installing the seat very loosely. A properly installed baby seat would not move further than an inch either ways. Some statistics show that 3 out of 4 baby car seats are not installed correctly.

The baby car seat and stroller combo will be very useful for families who travel extensively. These seats can be detached from the car and can be used to take the child out of the car. The seat can be converted into a stroller. Children with special medical conditions require special restraint systems. For prematurely born children who need to travel you need to install special travel beds. Many fire stations and police stations offer a free inspection and it is a good idea to check whether you have installed the baby seat properly.

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