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Infant Car Seats Features That Keep Your Baby Safe

by Norbert Shtaynberg 06 Apr 2019

Infant Car Seats Features That Keep Your Baby Safe

Every parent wants to buy the best infant car seats available for their child's safety but how do you decide what is best? What safety features should you look for? How will you know you have made the right choice? This article will help answer all these questions and guide you towards making the right choice.

The market is saturated with claims of best infant car seats from several manufacturers and it is a daunting task for a parent to actually select the best for their child.

Infant only seats are designed for transporting babies from birth till they reach approximately 20 pounds in weight. The seats are designed to face the rear of the vehicle and have handles that making carrying and storing easy. You can get a seat that has a base that remains permanently fixed in the car and the infant car seat can be fixed and removed from the base without the need for buckling in.

The general norm is that the seat is used until the baby weighs 20 pounds but there are seats available that can hold up to 30 pounds of baby weight. The best infant car seats are all rear facing and protect your baby while traveling in the vehicle. The seats are designed for easy portability and you need not disturb a sleeping baby with this seat.

You should always buy a seat with a five point harness that straps all over the baby's shoulders and hips for added protection against sudden stops and crashes.

Opting for a car seat that has a higher weight limit will mean you get to use the seat for a longer period of time. However it is important that you make sure that the baby's legs do not hang over the edge of the seat or that the head is not sticking up near the top of the shell.

Buy a car seat with an anti rebound bar that will minimize the chances of the baby popping up in a crash. While this is not an absolutely necessary feature it is good to have the added protection.

You can get more than one stay in car base if you plan on transporting the child in different vehicles to avoid having to remove and install the seat base every time you change vehicles. This apart, the best infant car seats that have a base are a more secure option.

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