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Solid Foods How to Get your Baby Started

by Norbert Shtaynberg 24 Mar 2019

Cutlery, Solid Foods How to Get your Baby Started

Parents are often faced with a challenge with all the decisions that are involved in taking care of their baby. As a parent, there are few points you should always remember, as you start creating a baby feeding schedule. Before your baby's 6th month of life, it is ideal to decide ahead on what your baby should eat. According to experts, most health care providers' recommend that you provide your baby only breast or formula milk for the first four to six months.

Four To Six Months

To start, you should focus with your baby taking food from spoon and swallowing, as they have begun eating solid foods under the guidance of your pediatrician. You can continue breast or formula feeding plus semi-liquid iron fortified rice cereal then gradually move to other grain cereals.

Six To Eight Months

At this time, you can introduce new foods to your baby and this is the best time to check for allergies. If your child becomes allergic, you can immediately eliminate the food in his diet. This is also the best time to schedule your baby's meal in breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can feed him same as with 4 to 6 months plus pureed or strained fruits like banana and peaches and strained or pureed vegetables such as carrots, potatoes and squash.

Eight To Twelve Months

As your baby continues to develop, you can start to add more variety of foods. A ten-month-old baby is able to eat foods from your own plate as long as you can mash them. And once your babe reaches twelve months, he can eat almost anything that is not hard for him to chew or swallow and is easily digestible. You can feed him same as with six to eight months plus soft, bite-sized biscuits, macaroni, cheese, egg, strained meats, small pieces of ripe fruits, soft-cooked vegetables and non-citrus fruit juices.

Tips To Start Solid Foods

- You can introduce solid foods sometime between four to six months if you can see your baby showing signs of being ready and can eat from a spoon.

- Make a record to figure out the best time to feed your infant solids, for example before, after, or at a divided time from formula or breastfeeding.

- In most cases, an iron fortified rice cereal is the first solid food that your baby should eat. And continue to try on other cereals, like oatmeal, and then slowly introduce strained fruits, vegetables and lastly, meat.

- Gradually introduce the food to check for food allergies, do it by giving one food at a time, take note of the ingredient, and wait three to four days before introducing another.

- Use a teaspoon first or smaller than that when you are first introducing solid foods and the gradually shift to a tablespoon or more as your baby grows and tolerate eating solid foods.

- Consult your health care provider if your baby won't eat any solid foods by the time he is seven to 8 months.

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