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Things You Need to Consider Before Buying a Baby Feeding Chair

by Norbert Shtaynberg 24 Mar 2019

Furniture, Things You Need to Consider Before Buying a Baby Feeding Chair

The most commonly used chair for the babies during the meal time is baby feeding chair. It is the best chair for baby with fold able tray in front of it to keep the baby safe and to give the meal of baby over it.
Features of wooden baby feeding chair

One of the best baby feeding chair is wooden baby feeding chair that is made up of wood of good quality that may be of pine wood, birch wood, ash wood, beech wood, oak wood and others with great furnishing. And most common dimensions of wooden baby chair for 6 months to 10 years old baby is; in width 48 cm, height 80 cm from ground or floor, and depth 56 cm. weight of wooden baby feeding chair is mostly near to 5.5 kg. it has solid wood sides, seat and footrest composite panel. It is very easy to assemble. it has adjustable height depth of seat and footrest. There is a integrated safety bar and crotch strap in it. It can hold the weight of baby up to 25 kg.
Features of plastic baby feeding chair

The best plastic material is used in the plastic baby feeding chair. It is available in number of colors like while, pink, blue, red, yellow, and etc. and color's combination like the most common color combination red and yellow, pink and yellow, red and black and many others. Plastic baby food chairs also made in two methods one is high and other is low from ground. If plastic baby feeding chair is high then you must be careful to buy a chair, that its legs must be of metal otherwise it could be dangerous, if its legs as well made up of plastic. Because plastic is not as much powerful that can contain enough weight.
Wooden baby feeding chair vs. plastic baby feeding chair

There are many differences between wooden baby feeding chair and plastic baby feeding chair, but the matter that effect on the rate of demand of both is the durability of both. Plastic baby feeding chair is much more durable as compare to the wooden baby feeding chair. There are a lot of color combinations in plastic baby feeding chair as compare to wooden chairs. But wooden baby feeding chair is more secure for baby as compare to plastic chair. According to the aspects of weight plastic baby feeding chairs are less weighted as compare to wooden baby feeding chair.

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