Academy Award® A.M.P.A.S.® winner for Best Animated Feature Film, Disney Encanto® tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals who live in a charmed place called Encanto. Every child in the family has been blessed with a unique gift — except one, Mirabel. But when she discovers that the magic surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that she might be her exceptional family’s last hope. The Mirabel Tonie figure brings the magic of the original movie to your Toniebox through storytelling, favorite songs, and original voices!
Tonies Disney Encanto Audio Play Figurine Features:
Listen, learn, and play with one huggable little box.
Screen-free entertainment for kids.
Gives kids a break from screens, which encourages creativity and helps build cognitive skills.
Endless stories, songs, and fun.
A large library of stories, music and educational content for any occasion.
A growing selection of collectible Tonies that enable kids to play as they listen.
Interactive fun that is good for kids. Kids interact with both the box and the figures, bringing the benefits of play to the listening experience.
Designed for the way kids play. Designed for independent play, with intuitive controls that young kids can use.
Hug it, bump it, or squeeze it - it's soft, safe and durable.